[03-21 23:17:32] 来源:http://www.kuaixuela.com 英语小故事 阅读:9865次
概要:he chambermaid now climbed onto Falada, and the true bride onto the bad horse, and thus they traveled onwards, until finally they arrived at the royal palace. There was great rejoicing over their arrival, and the prince ran ahead to meet them, then lifted the chambermaid from her horse, thinking she was his bride.She was led upstairs, while the real princess was left standing below. 经过长途跋涉,她们终於快到这次旅途的目的地了。那个背信弃义的阴险女仆威胁公主说,如果她向任何人提起发生的事,就要将她杀死。可是法拉达把一切都看在眼里,记在了心头。然后女仆骑上法拉达,真正的新娘却骑着女仆的马,沿着大路,一直走进了王宫大院。王子知道她们来了,极为高兴,飞跑出来迎接她们。他把侍女从马上扶下来,以为她就是自己的未婚妻,带着她上楼到了王宫内室,却让真正的公主
And in the end the princess had to swear under the open heaven that she would not say one word of this to anyone at the royal court. If she had not taken this oath, she would have been killed on the spot. Falada saw everything, and remembered it well. The chambermaid now climbed onto Falada, and the true bride onto the bad horse, and thus they traveled onwards, until finally they arrived at the royal palace. There was great rejoicing over their arrival, and the prince ran ahead to meet them, then lifted the chambermaid from her horse, thinking she was his bride.She was led upstairs, while the real princess was left standing below.
Then the old king looked out of the window and saw her waiting in the courtyard, and noticed how fine and delicate and beautiful she was, so at once he went to the royal apartment, and asked the bride about the girl she had with her who was standing down below in the courtyard, and who she was.
"I picked her up on my way for a companion. Give the girl some work to do, so she won't stand idly by."
However, the old king had no work for her, and knew of nothing else to say but, "I have a little boy who tends the geese. She can help him." The boy was called Kürdchen (Little Conrad), and the true bride had to help him tend geese.
Soon afterwards the false bride said to the young king, "Dearest husband, I beg you to do me a favor."
He answered, "I will do so gladly."
"Then send for the knacker, and have the head of the horse which I rode here cut off, for it angered me on the way." In truth, she was afraid that the horse might tell how she had behaved toward the king's daughter.
Thus it happened that faithful Falada had to die. The real princess heard about this, and she secretly promised to pay the knacker a piece of gold if he would perform a small service for her. In the town there was a large dark gateway, through which she had to pass with the geese each morning and evening. Would he be so good as to nail Falada's head beneath the gateway, so that she might see him again and again?The knacker's helper promised to do that, and cut off the head, and nailed it securely beneath the dark gateway.
Early in the morning, when she and Conrad drove out their flock beneath this gateway, she said in passing, "Alas, Falada, hanging there!"
Then the head answered: Alas, young queen, passing by, If this your mother knew, Her heart would break in two.
Then they went still further out of the town, driving their geese into the country. And when they came to the meadow, she sat down and unbound her hair which was of pure gold. Conrad saw it, was delighted how it glistened, and wanted to pluck out a few hairs. Then she said: Blow, wind, blow, Take Conrad's hat, And make him chase it, Until I have braided my hair, And tied it up again.
Then such a strong wind came up that it blew Conrad's hat across the fields, and he had to run after it. When he came back, she was already finished combing and putting up her hair, so he could not get even one strand. So Conrad became angry, and would not speak to her, and thus they tended the geese until evening, and then they went home.
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