高中英语阅读 你也有傲慢与偏见吗?
[03-21 23:17:32] 来源:http://www.kuaixuela.com 英语阅读材料 阅读:9807次
概要:eir love difficult to blossom well because true love does require the forgoing of pride (which gives rise to prejudice), which is a strong sense of self-love versus selfless love for another. However, behind fierce pride is often vulnerability, that one is too proud to admit. Elizabeth: He’s been a fool about so many things… but then, so have I. You see, he and I are so similar.[starts laughing helplessly] We’ve been nonsensical! Papa, I… Father: [also starts laughing, softly] You really do love him, don’t you? Elizabeth: Ve
高中英语阅读 你也有傲慢与偏见吗?,http://www.kuaixuela.com‘Pride and Prejudice’ tells the tale of how the aloof Mr. Darcy came to be with the feisty Ms. Elizabeth Bennet. As usual, for classic romances, it would be wrong to call it wholly a love story per se, because theirs was a love-hate relationship before they finally decide to let their love dominate. Pride made their love difficult to blossom well because true love does require the forgoing of pride (which gives rise to prejudice), which is a strong sense of self-love versus selfless love for another. However, behind fierce pride is often vulnerability, that one is too proud to admit. Elizabeth: He’s been a fool about so many things… but then, so have I. You see, he and I are so similar.
[starts laughing helplessly] We’ve been nonsensical! Papa, I…
Father: [also starts laughing, softly] You really do love him, don’t you?
Elizabeth: Very much. It’s a common belief that ‘opposites attract’, but this didn’t seem so in the case of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, for both mirrored each other’s pride and prejudice. Opposites can attract when each party sees qualities missing in oneself complemented by another. Being together thus becomes fulfilling, as if completing each other as halves. Is it for better or worse if a couple are opposites in? The up side is that if each partner is mindful, both can learn to see and nurture the missing qualities in themselves. The down side is that if each is unmindful, both might take each other’s qualities for granted and not acquire them personally. On the flip side, is it better or worse that ’similars attract’, that each mirrors the other? The up side is that if each partner is mindful, both can learn to see themselves more clearly, as reflected in the other, and thus realise what positive qualities need to be strengthened, and which negative ones need to be weakened. The down side is that if each is unmindful, they might frustrate each other to no end, or the loving of the other might become an essentially narcissistic love, an extension of self-love – since the other resembles oneself so much. Yes, it all pivots on mindfulness. Yet, if all are perfectly mindful, there would be no need to be with another to better oneself. Come to think of it, both Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth had similarities AND differences, for no two people are exactly the same or entirely different. Elizabeth: Are you to proud Mr. Darcy? And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
Mr. Darcy: That I couldn’t say.
Elizabeth: Because we’re doing our best to find a fault in you. Mr. Darcy: Maybe it’s that I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me. My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.
Elizabeth: Oh, dear, I cannot tease you about that. What are, for I dearly love to laugh. In case there is some confusion, pride is different from dignity. Unless we are talking about ‘taking healthy pride’ in something worthy, pride is largely useless and even harmful – because it punishes oneself and others through the creation and sustenance of grudges. Jane Austen originally called her novel ‘First Impressions’. Some say ‘first impressions last’. In the negative sense, they only last only as long as we are prejudiced, when we measure others pridefully with our imperfect momentary perceptions, and refuse to change our opinions when the truth presents otherwise. Thankfully, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth realise this before the end of the story, thus ending their pride and prejudice. That’s some good ’sense and sensibility’!
www.kuaixuela.com 《傲慢与偏见》一书讲述了冷漠的达西先生和热情好辩的伊丽莎白·班纳特小姐结合的故事。和其他古典浪漫主义作品一样,《傲》不能完全称作恋爱小说,因为男女主人公在最终决定相爱之前,一直是一种爱恨交织的关系。傲慢使得他们的爱情迟迟不能开花结果,因为真爱要求人们抛弃傲慢(以及傲慢衍生出的偏见)这种与无私的爱情截然相反的自私态度。但同时,傲慢的人不愿意承认一点,那就是他们背后往往隐藏着一颗脆弱的心。 伊丽莎白:他过去在很多事上都这么傻……不过我也是。你看,我们多像。(无奈的笑)我们多傻呀。爸爸,我…… 班纳特先生:(也轻轻笑了)你真的爱他,对么? 伊丽莎白:很爱很爱。 通常我们认为互补的人会彼此吸引。但是从伊丽莎白和达西先生的例子看似乎不是这样。他们从彼此身上都看到了傲慢和偏见。性格互补的人从对方身上看见自己缺失的特质为对方拥有时,会感觉到很强的吸引力。因此,和对方在一起会感觉到很强大满足感,就好像互相填满了生命的另一半一样。那么,两个人性格截然相反到底是好还是不好呢?好的情况是,两个人都比较细心,他们可以从对方身上看到并且自己不足的地方。但比较糟糕的情况是,两个人都不在意,认为人的性格是理所应当,因而不会思考自己有什么可以进步的地方。 反过来说,两个性格非常相像的人在一起的情况好不好呢?好的方面是,两个人如果留心,会从对方身上看到自己的影子,从而更深的了解自己,明白自己哪些方面需要发扬,那些需要改进。但如果两个人都不在意,情况也会比较糟糕。他们可能会陷入没完没了的互相折磨,或者,他们会把这份感情衍化成自我陶醉型的感情——因为他们很相像,爱对方就不过是自爱的延伸。这么看来,问题只在于是不是留心。但是,如果人们都能这么细心的话,人也就不需要和他人在一起来完善自己了。想想吧,达西和伊丽莎白既有共同点,也有差异。其实,没有哪两个人是完全相同或者截然相反的。 伊丽莎白:那达西先生,你说的这些包括高傲么?你认为高傲是优点还是缺点? 达西先生:这个难倒我了。 伊丽莎白:嗯,是这样的,我们正试图找你的缺点。 达西先生:如果说我的缺点,那应该是我很难原谅别人的愚蠢和罪恶,或者是对我的冒犯。我对一个人的好印象一旦消失了就再也不会回来。 伊丽莎白:天呐,我不能取笑你这点。多丢人呢,我很喜欢取笑别人。 这里要区别一下高贵和高傲,以免混淆概念。在一些有价值的事情上,我们会说这种骄傲是很健康的,但除此以外,大部分时候,骄傲都是无用的,甚至是有害的。因为那会使自己或者他人因为嫉妒而产生很多痛苦。简·奥斯汀本来给这部小说起名叫《第一印象》。也有人说是《第一印象即最终印象》。批判的说,只有我们用自己片面的、骄傲的眼光看别人,即使真相摆在面前也不愿意改变时,第一印象才会持续下去。幸好达西先生和伊丽莎白在小说的最后意识到这一点,才得以放弃了他们的傲慢与偏见。其实,这也表现出他们发达的“理智与情感”呢!
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